The World No Tobacco Day
The importance of the World No Tobacco Day. How does the temple arrange this activity?
Basic Meditation Method
Relaxation is the heart of meditation, and it has to go hand in hand with mindfulness, no matter which meditation technigue we apply. This is the main principle that we should take into account.
Steve jobs คําคม ข้อคิดในการดำเนินชีวิตให้ประสบความสำเร็จ
บทความดีๆที่สตีฟ จอบส์ ผู้สร้าง Macintosh แสดงในวันรับปริญญาของ Stanford University เมื่อวันที่ 12 มิถุนายน 2548
Fundamental Information :- Peace Revolution Program for Youth
Fundamental Information of Peace Revolution Program for Youth. It is the interesting questions about meditation. Meditation lovers don't miss them!!
Applying knowledge Skillfully
“When we plant a mango tree to satisfy our appetite or getting rich depends on the fruit the tree will give
The Middle Way Meditation Coach Training Program
If you extremely want to join us to create the world peace, please read it at once and apply to join immediately. Don't forget to tell your friends to come with you. Let's come together to change the world!!
For jealous people what is their downside and how can this be rectified?
I change my negative thoughts about the monk because of this mass ordination project
My life is changed because of the mass ordination project. I change my negative thoughts about the monk… Now! He was a regional manager who had a perfect life. He had a good job with high salary but he had negative thoughts about the monk. How did he change his mind? What does he get from this ordination?
The 7th 1,000,000 Upasika Kaew Mass Training Project
The 7th 1,000,000 Upasika Kaew Mass Training Project. What is upasika? How important is she? What is her role in Buddhism? And why does Dhammakaya Temple arrange this project?
Introduction to Meditation at New York University
The Buddhist Council of New York invites the Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of New Jersey (D.I.M.C.N.J) to give an introduction to meditation.